《女同 qvod》剧情简介
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我对这部电影是有点滤镜的热带雨林里神秘的玛雅文明毒蛇、蜘蛛、身上有着斑斓色彩的土著漫漫黄沙里失落的法柜只要打开就能拥有毁天灭地的力量而一个英俊的男人直身行走在这个危险奇幻的世界里巧取豪夺各种拥有奇妙魔力的宝藏女同 qvod这种拥有魔力的世界真是无可救药的浪漫
The term “gaslighting” comes from the movie, and so its definition is rather specific: when a person lies for their own gain to another person so repeatedly and with so much confidence that the victim begins to doubt her own sanity. And, as the film puts it, a bit of Stockholm Syndrome develops as well: The victim, now uncertain that she can perceive reality correctly, becomes dependent on the gaslighter, more attached to him than ever.